Thursday, March 5, 2020

Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon

Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Arianne grew up in a French-speaking household and attended a French school in Canada, leading to childhood struggles with the English language. Kumon helped her gain confidence in her English ability, improving her vocabulary and grammar. More importantly, Arianne learned the value of making mistakes, trying again and again until she got a difficult question right, never giving up. She also gained confidence and belief in herself! You might also be interested in: This Reading Program Completer Gained Confidence from Kumon Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Arianne grew up in a French-speaking household and attended a French school in Canada, leading to childhood struggles with the English language. Kumon helped her gain confidence in her English ability, improving her vocabulary and grammar. More importantly, Arianne learned the value of making mistakes, trying again and again until she got a difficult question right, never giving up. She also gained confidence and belief in herself! You might also be interested in: This Reading Program Completer Gained Confidence from Kumon Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words

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